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Tengye team and European team discuss EAF project



On August 16, 2019, a group of two people from European steel mills discussed the details of the electric arc furnace project with the Tengye team.




The meeting began on the morning of the 16th and discussed the specific parameters and related details of the electric arc furnace, ladle refining furnace and vacuum furnace required by the customer. The two parties first introduced their respective companies and major products in detail and deepened their understanding.




The Tengye team verified and confirmed the specific requirements of the electric arc furnace, ladle refining furnace and vacuum furnace proposed by the customer, and confirmed the transformer power, output, voltage, tapping time, supply range and equipment brand and other specific requirements. Regarding the customer's question about the number of oxygen lances and burners, the engineers of the Tengye team made specific analysis and explanations from the technical and cost perspectives, and the other party expressed satisfaction.


In order to let customers have a more intuitive feeling about the proposed equipment, the Tengye team arranged a factory visit on August 17th, and gave examples and explanations on the field on the 16th meeting to make the customer more intuitive. Customer understood and confirmed the plan of the Tengye team.



Through two days of meetings and on-site visits, the two sides specifically agreed on some details of the electric arc furnace project, and the customer's two-day inspection in Xi'an was successfully completed.